Post on, syndicate out to Bluesky, get a reply on Bluesky that shows up on MB, reply to it from MB, my reply shows up on Bluesky as being from my Bluesky account.

This will never not be magic to me. You’re doing the gods’ work here, @manton. 😊

The Onion nails it again.

Tesla Lays Off Entire Team Behind Brakes

Today I learned something about the limits of federation. Followers-only posts from Mastodon don’t show up in my feed even though I’m following the poster.

Federation is hard.

This is not true of my Mormon friends, but it’s very, very interesting. Granted, I’m in California, not on the Wasatch Front.…

Anyone got a printer they particularly like? Ours is no longer playing nice with Apple devices and firmware is up-to-date. My wife is an Apple person so clearly this is a problem.

Requirements: printing, copying, fax capability is preferred (she needs it professionally for legal reasons).

I wish there were a simple setting in Excel that allowed you to specify a default zoom level for everything you open, whether or not it’s a new document. People keep sending me stuff at 70% or 80% and my fiftysomething eyes are not up to that.

We’re reviewing the paperwork from when we bought the house for a few details in preparation for a roof replacement, and found this description of the existing roof.

Roof type: ASSFAULT

I don’t know why it surprises me, but while looking for something else I discovered that you can buy communion wafers on Amazon.

TFW you install for someone and you see the look on their face when they find out they can open their old AppleWorks documents from 20 years ago again.

My Mastodon feed is pretty well politics-free, but I saw something in my Bluesky feed that made me check the news. Big mistake.

If you’re looking for an experienced iOS or MacOS dev, my friend Josh is looking for his next opportunity. 24 years experience and the published author of an Xcode book. Boosts appreciated.……

Crank up the iron lung assembly line. 😡

New Hampshire’s GOP Is Taking a Stand—Against the Polio Vaccine - Mother Jones…

Something missing from this article: VW prefers its workers to belong to a union. Every other VW plant has a workers’ council that has a voice in running it. It’s how they like to do things.…

Any San Diegans out there who can recommend a good seafood restaurant? A friend is flying there tomorrow. All recommendations appreciated.

Blueberries are OK in oatmeal, but raspberries are better.

This kind of thing pisses me off. People who preach the need to avoid all artificial sweeteners in addition to sugar can sod off. I’ve given up sugar, alcohol, most carbs, and nicotine. Life is too damn short for this.…

Items on my to-do list that will not get done today have been marked with the notation “Not today, Satan.”

The first time I found one of these, I was in the middle of nowhere in a forest on a camping trip in the mountains of northern New Mexico. And yet, there it was. Benchmarks are cool.

Monday. Finally over.


I could see myself consolidating my Fediverse presence down to my account if it had likes/favorites and a longer character limit for social posts (perhaps 500, like Mastodon).